Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Easter was a total bitch. Yes, I did have chocolate but I'm not worried about that. Blah. Whatevs. It was an emotional bitchfest. Man oh man, I wanted to be home. It's not like Easter is a big deal in our house but my Dad celebrated 60 years on the 1st and my god-daughter was baptized on the 4th and damn. I should have been home but I couldn't since I was here. Blah.

In other news, my food diary has gone to shit. Getting back on that.

No gain, which is good.

More water, which is freaking great. It's getting to that point where I crave it now and I feel really gross without it.

Also *cough cough* more beer, which isn't as great. In my pitiful defense, I am moving so every social occasion turns into a drinkfest. Which I kind of love, I'm not going to lie. But I am going to make the most of every occasion here, while I have it.

Just drink more water, ha!


  1. Just wanted to thank you for the comment you left on my six month recap post. Sorry I'm just now getting back to your blog. That sucks that you couldn't be with family...I definitely know how that feels and it's no fun. I've grown to love water...There are some days where I want something to drink with a flavor (so I'll grab a juice or tea) but for the most part, it's all water. It's just tastes to clean, lol.

  2. Hi there,

    I hope you haven't given up blogging! And I do hope you are doing well. Take care :)
