Monday, December 7, 2009

well, that didn't work out.

Life just got in the way.

It's always something. I will be doing it again, as part of those crazy new year things where everyone is motivated to go to the gym and get healthy.

But I will.

The boyfriend bought roller-blades yesterday. I'll be getting some after Christmas. We plan to blade around Stanley Park. I think the first time I'll bike and then after I get some local areas down with the blades, Ill try the Park. It is insane. I wobble like a kid learning to walk when I blade, but it's fun and it's active and it's something that me and the man can do together.

I'm excited and happy still. I'm doing crazy well on my thesis and I feel good about that. Now that my mind is in a good place, my body should follow. I'm even drinking water as I type. Woohoo for water.